Noticias Nacionales e Internacionales

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INTA CONCORDIA, with more than half a century of work in forest research, accompanies the growth of the private sector of Mesopotamia


The province of Entre Ríos constitutes the third industrial forest pole of Argentina and the first basin in Eucalyptus Grandis., And this evolution was achieved with the accompaniment of INTA. From the provision of seed and certified quality clones to the study of the properties and uses of wood, INTA Concordia accompanies the forestry sector with information and strategic services generated throughout more than 50 years of research. From the provision of seed and clones of certified quality to the study of the properties and uses of wood, INTA Concordia has been accompanying the forestry sector with information and strategic services generated throughout more than 50 years of research.

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If you come to 9 ° Expomadera between Ríos 2024


9th Expomadera International Wooden Exhibition for Construction, Architecture, Housing with Wood, Forest Industry, Inputs, Technology, Interiorism, Design and Furniture - Active Wood

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Green Green Roofs: What are their benefits on?


Sustainable green architecture has gained popularity, especially in urban environments affected by the concentration of buildings and traffic, an increasingly common problem in urbanized areas. Sustainable green roofs are an outstanding option in the design of buildings in urban areas, offering a series of significant benefits. Among the most remarkable, it is possible to mention the improvement of urban health, allow the restoration of ecological balance, increasing the efficiency of buildings and, ultimately, increasing the sustainable tendency of technologies

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WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies

WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies

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Cómo es y cuánto mide el árbol más alto del Amazona


?Después de tres años de expediciones encontraron un ejemplar único por su altura y diámetro.

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Is forest biomass the solution to avoid fires?


With the arrival of summer, we face the threat of forest fires. High temperatures, the state of forests or prolonged drought create the conducive conditions for the propagation of fire. Spain is the third country in Europe in total area affected by forest fires. According to data from the State Committee on Coordination and Emergency Directorate against Forest Fire (CECOD), in 2023 the total number of fires descended compared to the previous year, but increased hectares and the so -called forest fires increased, those that affect more than more than 500 hectares. In total, more than 89,000 hectares ended up affected.

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Nuevo Lanzamiento Combilift: el Combi-CLL, para cargar troncos en contenedores


Combilift, el reconocido especialista irlandes en la manipulacion de cargas, celebro sus 25 anos de actividad en 2023 con el lanzamiento de cinco nuevos productos. Siguiendo esta linea, en EXPO Richmond 2024, una de las principales ferias americanas en el sector forestal, se asistio al lanzamiento de otro innovador producto: elCombi-CLL (Container Log-Loader).

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WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies

WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies

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Misiones solicito los fondos correspondientes a la Ley de Bosques Nativos durante la reunion del COFEMA


Con la presencia del Ministro de Ecologia de Misiones y presidente del Consejo Federal de Medio Ambiente (COFEMA), Martin Recaman, se llevo a cabo en Buenos Aires la primera reunion de la Comision de Bosques Nativos. Este encuentro tuvo como objetivo principal discutir la asignacion de fondos para el ano 2024 segun lo estipulado por la Ley 26.331.

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Corrientes | Se habilito en Ituzaingo y Monte Caseros la Tecnicatura Foresto-industrial de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la UNNE


La Tecnicatura Foresto Industrial de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE), ahora se habilito en Ituzaingo y Monte Caseros. Las clases comenzaron en ambas ciudades de manera presencial y virtual bajo la modalidad denominada aula espejo.

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Destacan el potencial de la foresto industria


De los Rios hizo un balance del Congreso Maderero.

WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies

WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies

WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies