ExpoFerretera 2023 began, where everyone knows what the “coso” and the “cosito” are

ExpoFerretera 2023 began, where everyone knows what the “coso” and the “cosito” are

Buenos Aires, November 2023. The International Articles Exhibition was inaugurated for Hardware Stores, Sanitary Stores, Paint Stores and Construction Materials, which will have place until December 2, at the Costa Salguero Center in CABA. The company news and everything that is coming for the sector, in one place.

ExpoFerretera 2023 is the event that brings together the entire manufacturing market and
import of construction products and machinery for home use or
industrial. It has more than 180 brands present from Argentina, Brazil, China, India and
Colombia, four pavilions inside and the Patio Ferretero outside. Is he
ideal setting where the latest developments in the industry are announced to a
public interested in living a networking experience that adds value
strategic for decision making.
The opening ceremony was led by the president of the Argentine Chamber of Hardware Stores and
Afines of the Argentine Republic (CAFARA), Sergio Angiulli and the Project Manager of
Messe Frankfurt Argentina, Ezequiel Gorbarán.
In addition, the Undersecretary of Industrial Strengthening participated in the opening ceremony.
from Santa Fe, Ivan Piascik; President of the Association of Metallurgical Industrialists of the
Argentine Republic, Elio Del Re; President of the Federation of Commerce and Industry of
the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Fabián Xavier Castillo; Speaker of the House
Argentina of Manufacturers of Hardware, Hardware, Electricity, Sanitary and Related,
Guillermo Arditti; President of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Industries,
Electromechanics and Lighting Techniques, José Tamborenea; President of the Chamber of
Painters and Related Restoration Businessmen of the Argentine Republic, Aldo Zanetti;
President of the Chamber of Locksmiths of Buenos Aires, Eduardo Máximo Kipen;
President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tres de Febrero, Santiago
Iuzzolino; President of the International Hardware Association, Alberto Vargas Ayala;
Director of the Chamber of Hardware Stores, Paint Stores and Related Products of Uruguay, Alejandro
Bertolotti, President of the Chamber of Hardware and Related Stores of Rosario, Silvia Zonta.
Before those present, the Project Manager of Messe Frankfurt Argentina, Ezequiel
Gorbarán, expressed: “For 20 years, we have worked together with
CAFARA to position ExpoFerretera on the industry agenda. With the
always committed, we continue to bet on the development of a sector that makes
innovation and exchange, the engine of its constant growth. The most direct arrival
to the domestic user opened a new scenario of opportunities that ExpoFerretera has
knew how to incorporate to create an increasingly attractive exhibition aimed at everyone
visitor profiles”.
Meanwhile, the President of CAFARA, Sergio Angiulli, showed his expectations for the
start of the largest meeting for merchants, companies, distributors and hobbyists in the world
sector and proposed presenting a bill to reduce VAT on food products.
Hardware stores, considering that all products in the value chain have as
VAT tax 10.5% “because our products are essential, they are present in
everywhere, they are the engine of the country's economy, of the industry, the institutions
health, food factories, construction, from a road to a gas pipeline. He
VAT10.5% will benefit the final consumer.”
For her part, the Secretary of CAFARA, Beatriz Cabreras, said: “We are in a
time of changes. Technology, innovation, social networks, young people
entrepreneurs and the emergence of new leadership are marking the pulse of the
epoch. When we observe that the new generations continue the business, it gives us the
drive and strength to continue believing, because behind every hardware store there are thousands of
dreams and hopes of all of them who continue to bet on the country, the industry and the
job". And she added: “I have been part of the Board of Directors for 20 years and I was the
first woman to be part of this great team. The protagonism of women is one
of the key axes of these transformations. Throughout this journey I was able to glimpse
all the positive changes of the presence of women in our sector. Today we see
that those paradigms are being left behind and there are many of us who are
leading this change.”
During the opening day of the Expo, the cycle of talks and conferences began,
which aims to professionalize and update the sector. In the cycle of
CAFARA talks, the president of the Chamber, Sergio Angiulli, spoke about the
family businesses in hardware stores, a business that is sustained from generation to generation
generation, as part of its strength.
For the young hardware workers, from Ferretería JE, they spoke about the importance of
the new generations in the field, to continue keeping this business current. To its
turn, Diego Guerri spoke about innovative strategies to increase sales by
chat at hardware stores.

Throughout each day, visitors can tour the Living Ferretero, where the
small and medium-sized companies exhibit their monoproducts, and the Patio Ferretero, a
outdoor space with the presence of 14 brands that provide technical assistance, carry out
live demonstrations, tool presentations and provide helpful tips for
apply in different trades. In addition, they can attend the Exhibitor Talks,
learn about their new product lines, and discuss different topics in the sector.
Among them, Gisela Barboza, Product Manager of Muresco S.A, will speak about her
of her product portfolio, in her first participation in ExpoFerretera and as the first
approach to opening a new sales channel.
In order not to miss anything, the ExpoFerretera App is available, where you can see
the different activities, information about the exhibitors and the floor plan; the same
It will be updated during the exhibition with the latest news.
ExpoFerretera takes place until December 2, 2023 at the Costa Salguero Center in Buenos Aires Argentina

WEMHÖNER Surface Technologies


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